Armstrong Grown

Brasil Philodendron

Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil'

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$22.99 - $44.99
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Low to Bright, indirect light
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Keep soil moist, but not soggy
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Low to Bright, indirect light
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Keep soil moist, but not soggy


Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil'

Introducing the Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil' - the ultimate plant for those who love to stand out! With its bold, bright yellow-green leaves and striking variegation, this plant is sure to be the star of your collection. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent or just starting out, the Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil' is the perfect addition to any home.

*Note: The Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil' is also known as the Heartleaf Philodendron Brasil.


Plant Care

Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil' prefers to have consistently moist but well-draining soil. Water the plant thoroughly once the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, and allow the excess water to drain out of the pot. Avoid overwatering or letting the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot. We recommend measuring the moisture of the soil with a moisture meter.

This plant prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. You can place the plant near a north or east-facing window or in a room with bright, filtered light.

Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil' benefits from regular fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer). You can use a balanced, water-soluble or liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength every two weeks. During the winter months, reduce fertilization to once a month or stop fertilizing altogether.

You can repot Philodendron cordatum 'Brasil' every one to two years, or when the roots outgrow the current container. Choose a pot that is one size larger than the current container and use a well-draining soil mix. Repot in the spring before the growing season begins, and avoid disturbing the roots too much.

Additional Information

  • Light Needs:
    Indoor High Light, Indoor Medium Light, Indoor Low Light
  • Water Needs:
    Average to Moist