Locally Grown

Bromeliad Antonio Pink

Bromeliad Antonio

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Medium to Bright, indirect light
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Keep soil moist, but not soggy
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Medium to Bright, indirect light
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Keep soil moist, but not soggy


Bromeliad Antonio Pink

Introducing our enchanting Bromeliad Antonio Pink houseplant, a botanical wonder that adds a touch of elegance and color to any indoor space! Named for its dazzling fuchsia bracts, this cultivar boasts a captivating hue that breathes life into any room. With occasional bursts of short-blooming purple flowers, the Bromeliad Antonio Pink showcases nature's artistry at its finest.

Affectionately known as the Pink Quill Plant, its vibrant bracts stand out as a striking centerpiece, infusing your home or office with vibrant energy and charm. What's more, this delightful plant is pet-friendly, allowing you to enjoy its beauty without worrying about your furry companions.


Plant Care

Watering: Bromeliad Antonio Pink prefers to be kept lightly moist, with its central cup filled with water. Water the plant directly into the central cup, ensuring it doesn't become stagnant. It's crucial to avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out slightly between waterings, especially during the winter months when the plant is less active.

Light: Provide your Bromeliad Antonio Pink with bright, indirect light for optimal growth and vibrant foliage. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, as this can scorch its delicate leaves. A north or east-facing window is ideal, where it can enjoy filtered sunlight throughout the day. If natural light is insufficient, you can supplement with artificial grow lights to ensure adequate brightness.

Fertilizing: Feed your Bromeliad Antonio Pink with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength every two to three months during the growing season (spring to early autumn). Apply the fertilizer directly to the soil, avoiding contact with the plant's foliage or central cup. During the winter months, when the plant is dormant, reduce or cease fertilization to prevent nutrient buildup.

Repotting: Bromeliad Antonio Pink typically does not require frequent repotting and prefers to be slightly root-bound. Repot only when necessary, using a well-draining potting mix specifically formulated for bromeliads or orchids. When repotting, gently remove the plant from its current container and shake off excess soil before transferring it to the new pot. Ensure the plant is positioned at the same depth as before and water thoroughly after repotting to help it settle into its new home.

Additional Information

  • Light Needs:
    Indoor Medium Light, Indoor High Light
  • Water Needs:
    Average to Moist