Locally Grown

Fire Flash Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum 'Fire Flash'

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Medium to bright, indirect light
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Keep soil moist, but not soggy
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Medium to bright, indirect light
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Keep soil moist, but not soggy


Chlorophytum comosum 'Fire Flash'

Introducing the 'Fire Flash' Flame of Foliage! ? Ignite your space with the passionate allure of the Chlorophytum comosum 'Fire Flash.' Watch as the deep green leaves burst into vibrant flames of radiant red, painting your surroundings with a touch of captivating drama. This trendy and fun plant is the ultimate romance for your interior decor. With its fiery foliage and air-purifying charm, the 'Fire Flash' is not just a houseplant; it's an artistic statement that breathes life into any room. Elevate your ambiance and set your space ablaze with the enchantment of the 'Fire Flash'—where style meets nature in a passionate embrace.


Plant Care

Maintaining the ideal moisture balance is key to your Chlorophytum comosum 'Fire Flash's' happiness. Allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering thoroughly, ensuring proper drainage to prevent waterlogging. Keep an eye on its moisture needs; it prefers slightly moist soil but doesn't enjoy sitting in overly wet conditions. During warmer months, water more frequently and reduce the frequency during the cooler season. We recommend measuring the moisture of the soil with a moisture meter.

Finding the right balance of light is essential for your 'Fire Flash.' While it appreciates bright, indirect light that filters through a sheer curtain, it's best to shield it from intense, direct sunlight that can scorch its leaves. A spot near a north- or east-facing window would be an ideal compromise, providing enough light without risking sunburn.

Nurturing its vibrancy involves feeding your 'Fire Flash' every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, liquid fertilizer fertilizer diluted to half strength to prevent overfeeding. Remember to pause feeding during fall and winter when growth slows down. Fertilizing gives it the energy it needs to display its fiery colors at their best.

As your 'Fire Flash' thrives, it might outgrow its current home. Repot it every 1-2 years to ensure its roots have adequate space to spread. Spring is the perfect time for this rejuvenating process. Choose a slightly larger pot and refresh the soil mix with well-draining potting mix. Gently tease out the roots during repotting to encourage healthy growth.

Additional Information

  • Light Needs:
    Indoor Medium Light, Indoor High Light
  • Water Needs:
    Average to Moist
  • Reviews(1)

    • 5

      Fire Flash Spider Plant

      Posted by Richard Watkins on Sep 16th 2023

      Beautiful, healthy plant